"Darynok" Shopping Center , Kyiv

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«Darynok» - one of the largest shopping centers in Kyiv - put into operation in early 2002. Centre includes five trading rooms, furniture center «Darynok furniture», supermarket "People", and a parking lot.

Site is located in northern Left Bank area of the city planing, in Dneprovskyy administrative district, geographically close to the subway station "Lesnaya", is bordered by a red line from the Belomorskaya street. The area is building weaving production (textile workshop), part of which is the object of design.

Leased premises in weaving workshops located commercial zone, which are divided into two parts-open pedestrian mall streets. In commercial zones provided for individual jobs as well-designed room boutiques. In the mall stores are located. All goods for sale in retail stores and halls of non-food purposes. From the Belomorskaya St. added a three-story buildings, which are located: on the first floor of snacks for quick-service visitors, office administration, pharmacy, information center on the second floor office space destination.

Kyiv, Magnitogorskaya St., 1
2000 - 2001
Project, Working documentation
Reconstruction with expansion
site area: 
18 210 m2
object area: 
15 110 m2
1-3 fl.
SC «Darynok»